Saturday, December 4, 2010

Video Game Demo Review #5 - Indie Games Winter Uprising #3: Ubergridder

Oh hey, it's a puzzler. Does "Ubergridder" by "Badger Punch Games" have enough content to make it a worthy $1 purchase?

Bloobity bloo after the bloobity bloo

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Video Game Demo Review #4 - Indie Games Winter Uprising #2: Break Limit

Game Numero Dos of the Indie Game Winter Uprising is out, and it's "Break Limit" from "Zombie Monkey Games".

As a Twin Stick Space Scrolling Shmup (Shoot 'em Up), can the unique controls for this classic gaming genre bring the goods?

Trailer and me talking about the game, after the jump.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Video Game Demo Review #3 - Indie Games Winter Uprising #1: Epic Dungeon

The first game of the Winter Uprising for the Xbox 360 is "Epic Dungeon" by Video Game Indie Developer "Eyehook" (Makers of "ColorBox")

A callback to the Dungeon Crawlers of old, does "Epic Dungeon" hold up to modern standards?

Trailers & Review after the jump